Contestants lined up onstage at the Ideal Black Man beauty pageant, held in October 2018. The event challenged the stereotypes of Black men, allowing for contestants to see the men's whole selves as they discussed their majors, skills, styles and…
Panelists at the Cultures Confined exhibition opening, from left to right: Moderator Dr. Toni Olivas, Flor Alveraz, Jake Northington, Dr. Chris Bickel, Martin Leyva, Maria Valdivia. "Cultures Confined" was a student-driven exhibition that documented…
Zaria Towery (L) and Ariel Stevenson (R) speak at "The Akilah Green Natural Hair Talk" on February 13th, 2019 in the University Student Union ballroom. The event was put together by the Black SistaHood student group. The Natural Hair Talk aimed to…
Kiki Kill holds up a "10" on the judges' panel for the Ideal Black Man beauty pageant. The event challenged the stereotypes of Black men, allowing for contestants to see the men's whole selves as they discussed their majors, skills, styles and…
The Black Student Union, Black Student Center, Omega Psi Phi fraternity, Sigma Gamma Rho sorority, and Black Faculty and Staff Association showed up to support Autism Awareness. Flashing the peace sign is former Black Student Union president Renee…
The Black Student Union, Black Student Center, Omega Psi Phi fraternity, Sigma Gamma Rho sorority, and Black Faculty and Staff Association showed up to support Autism Awareness. In the red skirt is Brittany Pannell, a staff member in the Office of…
Photograph of chalk wayfinding for the 2017 Autism Awareness Walk. The Black Student Union, Black Student Center, Omega Psi Phi fraternity, Sigma Gamma Rho sorority, and Black Faculty and Staff Association showed up to support Autism Awareness.